  • Carlos Pérez-Font is an Economist, Chartered Accountant, and has two MBA, one from the University of Chicago and another by the IE Business School, where he was an associate professor.
  • He began his career in the Department of Banking Audit of what is now Deloitte, where he specialized in reviewing corporate financial operations for four years. After a period of training in the United States, he returned to Spain exerting first as CFO and then as CEO of a company with 2,200 employees on which 28 years would manage its first syndicated loan (35 MM €), and then would direct departure to trading on the Stock Exchange.
  • In 1995 he joined what is now the firm as General Director of Financial Consulting area, directing since many projects associated especially financings and complex situations, highlighting the project’s economic recovery Club Atletico Madrid. In recent years he has specialized in restructuring operations.
López Castaño
  • Julio López Castaño is Aeronautical Engineer, MBA from IE Business School, and Master of Business Administration in Food Chain by San Telmo Institute. He has completed the Directors Programs of Deloitte / Spencer Stuart, and the Course of Management Refineries by Shell Oil. He is currently Professor of Strategy and International Negotiation at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
  • He began his career with Shell Oil, where he reached the position of General Director for Latin America and Caribbean of Shell Marine Products, and also a member of the World Committee of the Brand. Later in ENDESA, he was Commercial Director of Endesa Energy, and Director of Business Development and Acquisitions for USA, Europe and Africa. He developed from scratch,, leading e-procurement, and founded the Dutch, owned by the twelve largest electricity companies in Europe.
  • He has been Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President of Avanzit-Ezentis (listed company, with 5,500 employees in 20 countries) where he designed and implemented its restructuring operation, and carried out various corporate transactions, refinancing, capital, and a spin off by listing after a merger of six companies in a new audiovisual service listed group. He has also been CEO of ALDEASA International in 10 countries, and General Director of the International Business Unit of Osborne-5J Group with presence in 53 countries.
  • He has extensive international experience in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), having completed numerous transactions in various countries, including the agreement Osborne – Fosun (largest private group in China, where he has resided in recent years)
  • He is currently specialized in international strategic projects and business development, with a high component of M & A in cross-border transactions.

Jose Manuel
Diez Quintanilla

  • Jose Manuel Díez Quintanilla is a lawyer from the University of Barcelona, MBA from IESE Business School, DEA from San Pablo CEU University and participant in the USA International visitor program.
  • He has been for twelve years General Director of the Media Group Unidad Editorial (editor among others of the newspaper EL MUNDO), CEO of the group Intereconomía (five years) and general Director of the public group TRAGSA (six years), managing a workforce of 11.000 employees. He has been member of the Board in NET TV, in the autonomous television of Murcia, and patron in various public and private foundations.
  • In addition to communication and audiovisual media, he is an expert in corporate governance, strategic planning, corporate culture change processes and technological transformation. He has led resizing and operational efficiency plans. He has experience in the implementation of internationalization plans and business development for new activities, products and markets.


  • Francisco Tárrega is Economist from the University of Valencia, PDG from IESE, 15×15 Master’s degree in EDEM, and Professor of Accounting at Valencia International University, and MBA from the Catholic University of Valencia in Sales and Marketing Management.

  • For more than 10 years, he has been a member of the  Committee of Directors of two of the main financial institutions in Spain, where he has been responsible for business in all its channels, of the implementation of the national expansion plan and the definition of the strategy in the new markets and channels, as well as for the opening of 400 distribution centers with the incorporation of more than 1500 professionals in different functions within the institutions.

  • He has also been Director of Participated companies, and director of more than 90 companies of the Cataluña Caixa Group in the FROB and BBVA stage, responsible for the real estate sector, and the sale of the servicer to Blackstone.

  • Director of Cataluña Caixa Assegurançes (insurance group formed by CataluñaCaixa and Mapfre), and Deputy General Manager of Divina Pastora Seguros in the business area, with special involvement in the development of digital channels.

  • He currently is specialized in designing and structuring financial operations, both in Debt and in Equity.

  • Antonio García-Zarandieta is a Civil Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ICCP), and an MBA from IESE. He also has a certificate of research proficiency in Business Organization from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • He began his professional career at Dragados y Construcciones, coming to play, for twelve years, positions of General Director in the OHL groups, Isolux Corsán, Ecoembes, FCC Construcción; and foreign companies as Vatech Wabag (India).
  • He has directed investments and M&A transactions of more than 20 companies in different countries. (Mexico, Brazil, USA, Chile, Algeria, Morocco, Santo Domingo, Argentina, Panama, Venezuela, Portugal, Spain, India, Persian Gulf Countries). The volume of investment in these operations exceeds 1,200 million euros

Javier Fdz
de Gorostiza

  • Javier Fdz de Gorostiza is a Telecommunications Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, he holds a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Business Management from ESADE, and has been a Marketing Professor at ICAI, and at the School of Computing at the University of Comillas.
  • He began his career as a Systems Engineer at Hewlett Packard Española, becoming the Director of Support for EMEA at the Central de Ginebra. On his return to Spain, he was Marketing Director at Ibermática, and later Director of Andersen Software at Andersen Consulting. He has also been Director at the consultancy Alexander Proudfoot PM, plc.
  • Currently, he focuses its activity on innovation and digital transformation projects, especially in environments with a high technological component.
  • He participated in the creation of the Circle of Purchasing Managers, and is currently a member of the Executive Committee of Madrid Business Forum, where he heads the Finance and Business Transformation Commission
  • Alberto Coll is an economist from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and an MBA cum laude from IE Business School, where he has been Professor of Marketing, and also has complementary studies at Harvard University.
  • He was General Director of Coca Cola (Portugal), President of the Spanish Association of Sponsorsip and member of the Board of Directors in Spain of advertising agencies Gray Trace, Zapping Saatchi, Euroforum and ICAS UK.
  • As a consultant, he has conducted Brand audits for Caja Madrid Foundation Alimentum, Coca Cola, Market Research projects, both qualitative and quantitative, for Repsol, Aristocracy, Aquarius, Fanta, Damm, General Mills, participating in countless advertising campaigns and product launch, both from the side of the advertiser and from the side of the agency, for brands like Coca-Cola, Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid, Damm, Repsol, Hyundai, Banesto, Aegon, Urconsa, dare (Mexico). He has also developed digital marketing projects for Pernod Ricard, Bankia, BBVA, El Corte Ingles, Coca Cola Light, Damm, Loyalty Campaigns for Telefonica, Diageo, Hyundai, and Campaigns Sponsorship for IBM, and Schweppes.
  • He is currently specialized in digital transformation projects.
Merino Frías
  • Román Merino Frias is a labor lawyer, MBA and Diploma in Management from the IESE Business School, Diploma in Legal Practice from ICADE, and Master in Human Resources from ESIC. He also teaches at the Master of Access to the Legal Profession teaches by the Madrid Layer Bar Association.
  • He has spent most of his career playing the position of Director of Human Resources and Corporate Services in various companies as a group EULEN (75,000 employees), Red Eléctrica Española (1500), ONO (5000) or GRUPO ZETA (4,500)
  • Expert in processes of cultural and organizational change, change management and human resources, personnel restructuring, labor negotiations and in the evaluation, selection and management teams address. Also, he has extensive experience in the definition and implementation of strategies and HR policies as well as the management and development of people.
  • Since 10 years ago, he advises on management and human resources and participate in processes of change in companies in special situations (Feasibility plans and rationalization, restructuring and cost reduction, Takeover, Start-up, Mergers and Acquisitions, or group segregations industries).

Riquelme Brotons

  • Juan Riquelme is a lawyer from the University of Seville, Master in labor law at the same university, PDD by IESE and entitled In the Leadership Program for energy by the Harvard Business School. He is also an associate professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid and the SIMA mediator.
  • He has been Director of Human Resources in Sevillana de Electricidad (thirteen years), in ENDESA (nine years), Senior VicePresident of Human Resources and Organization for Latin America in ENEL (six years), and director of Human Resources for EMEA in Atento.
  • He is an expert in the elaboration and implementation of strategic plans for Human Resources, including talent management and compensation models. He has participated in a large number of processes of interlocution and trade union negotiation, Labor management of Turnaround and M&A processes. He is advisor in processes of transformation and management of Human Resources.
Cabañas Díez
  • Jesús Cabañas Díez is an Industrial Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He has made a PDD at INSEAD (Paris) and a PADE at IESE (Madrid). He has specialized in Strategic Purchasing Management in EIPM- The European Institute of Purchasing Management (Geneva).
  • He began his professional career in AGFA Spain, as Head of Logistics Industrial. He subsequently held various positions at Valeo for 12 years, nationally and globally in Paris as Category Buyer, and Director of Quality of Purchasing, developing suppliers in India, China, Taiwan, Egypt, Morocco and Poland. He later joined LMWind Power, a company that designs and manufactures blades for wind turbines, as Director of Purchasing and Logistics for Southern Europe (4 factories), and then as a global shopping responsible of advanced CapEx (robots) for the automated manufacture of wind blades.
  • Since January 2013 he is Director of Strategic Purchasing advice, collaborating with institutions in improving the operational efficiency of enterprises, and is specialized in production efficiency and logistics in industrial environments.
  • Luis Neves holds a degree in Business Administration from the Portuguese Catholic University (Lisbon) and has a Postgraduate Production Systems from the University of Toyama (Japan). He is coauthor of the study presented in the “Pacific Conference on Manufacturing 1994“, Jakarta – Indonesia. Thesis “Information Systems Methodologies for Industrial Companies concerned With organization Characteristics”
  • He has worked for more than 20 years in different projects for Alexander Proudfoot, IMR, Stingray Solutions, Gambia Performance Nutrition (in Utrecht, Holland, Middlesbrough UK, and Copenhagen Denmark).
  • He is specialized in projects Just In Time (JIT) Kaizen and Total Quality Management (TQM) Supply Chain, Improving corporate performance strategies and implementations of operations.
  • He is an expert in project management behavioral change from processes end-to-end to customized solutions, including implementation of new systems / processes. He has worked as a consultant or director in areas such as sales, retail, production, change management, operational and strategic model, S & OP implementation, optimization of logistic models, materials management and optimization of flows, etc.


  • Felipe Cavero Martínez de Campos holds a degree in Law from the San Pablo CEU University, and a Master in Urban Planning law from the Center for Financial Studies in Madrid. He is currently Secretary General of the Spanish Association of Fintech and Insurtech (AEFI), and professor of Business Law at San Pablo CEU University.
  • He started his professional career at J&A GARRIGUES, he has also worked at ROUSAUD COSTAS Duran, he was a founding partner of the Garayar Associates office where he was recommended in Chambers & Partners for renewable energy projects and sports law. He has advised companies from many other sectors (technology, investment services, venture capital, payment services, engineering, real estate, construction, national and international distribution and food), heritage companies and the scope of The family business, foundations and associations. He has been Secretary General of the Real Racing Club of Santander and deputy of the Board of Directors of Ikea Ibérica, S.A. and professor in the Master Alfredo Di Estefano of the Real Madrid Foundation on management of sporting entities, in the master of Law of the Business of the university Rey Juan Carlos and in the field of intellectual property in the School of Industrial Organization (EOI).
  • He specializes in advising on M&A, Corporate, Real Estate and consumers Law.


  • Alberto Moncada is an Architect, PDD at IESE, Collegiate Expert at COAM and Civil and Commercial Mediator.
  • He started his professional activity marketing special support services, image rights (Columbia Pictures), water engineering services (Welsh Water) and equipment supply services for the central state administration.
  • He has been Commercial Director of the Real Estate Division of Construcciones San Martin, General Director of Cinebox and Paidesport, as well as CEO of the Andalusian real estate company Vías Canales y Puertos.
  • Since 2008 he has acted as a real estate consultant in many projects, both for Banks (Bankia, Popular, Pastor , Caixa Penedés, etc), for Consulting Agents (Aguirre Newman, CB Richard Ellis , Arcadis EC Harris, Typsa etc), and is currently advising on transactions for new operators Servicers, Wealth Managers, Investors, Developers and Investment Funds ( Blackstone Group, Montana, IHG Capital Partners, Avenue Capital , Sareb, IPIH, Generali, Aelca, Värde Partners-Dos puntos, etc)


Calle Almanzora, 4
28023 Madrid
